Summer is upon us and many of us are focused on doing what is right for our bodies. We’ve started exercising, eating less and some of us have even opted for a truSculpt® iD body contouring procedure, for even more of a jump-start on our swimsuit-worthy bodies!

But what about our faces? Is your skin care routine summer-ready? This question has come up in our office several times in the past few weeks, with patients calling in to schedule our very popular IPL facial.

IPL, or Intense Pulsed Light, is a type of “laser” therapy used to treat wrinkles, spots, sun damage and other skin conditions. As wonderful and effective as it is, it is not a treatment to have during the summer months. Patients are advised to avoid prolonged sun exposure after having an IPL treatment for 4-6 weeks.

Summer skin care for your face

Fortunately, there are alternative, effective treatments that you can have right now.

One such treatment is a secret… actually the Secret RF, a micro-needling procedure that delivers energy below the surface to help revitalize and regenerate the skin. Patients looking to treat fine lines, wrinkles, photo-damage and/or scars are loving this procedure. There is little or no downtime, redness for the rest of the day being the most common, and in 1-2  treatments, you will notice your skin looking younger, smoother and more even.

Another year-round skincare treatment option we offer is Laser Genesis, a non-invasive laser technology to safely, naturally and effectively treat fine wrinkles, redness and acne scars. Over the course of 4-6 treatments, Laser Genesis can help restore the skin’s youthful glow and appearance.

As you can see, there are many treatment options for attainable healthy-looking, summer skin. In addition to whatever treatment you decide, remember to take care of your skin on a daily basis. Be sure to apply sunscreen everyday before going outdoors!

Happy Summer!

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